Christopher Ryan Jones PsyD

Clinical Psychologist and Sex Therapist
Member of the American Psychological Association (APA) and the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT).

Would you like to feel more confident, relaxed, and playful with intimacy and more comfortable and assured with your ability to connect with others? For many people it is difficult to talk about the sexual and relationship difficulties that they experience. Yet these areas are often the source of some of our greatest joys and our deepest pain. Problems in either of these areas often impact your sense of self-worth and decrease your overall happiness.

Using conversation-based therapy, Dr. Jones offers a safe, accepting, and warm environment where you can openly and comfortably talk about your sexual and relationship issues. By working collaboratively you can leave the frustration, disappointment, pressure, anger, guilt, and hurt that you have experienced and move towards intimacy, connection, openness, honesty, trust, acceptance, love, and joy.

Therapy can sometimes be difficult for busy professionals who are often on the go or those who simply don’t feel comfortable visiting a therapist’s office. Thanks to advancements in HIPPA approved online platforms, you can benefit from Dr. Jones’ compassionate approach from anywhere, including the comfort of your very own home. Contact us today to schedule your first appointment and begin your journey toward a happier and healthier you!

Specializing in: sex therapy, relationship therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, spiritual abuse counseling, grief counseling, and LGBTQ issues.

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