Veronica Monet

founder, The Exquisite Partnership Formula (TM), Sexologist, Relationship Coach and Anger Specialist - (at The Shame Free Zone)
Certified as a Sex Educator: San Francisco Sex Information - Certified as a Sexologist: American College of Sexologists - Certified as an Anger Management Specialist: Century Anger Management - Trained Volunteer for Center Against Rape and Domestic Violence

Veronica Monet, ACS is an internationally acclaimed sexual empowerment change agent. CNN, FOX, Politically Incorrect, Yale, Stanford and UC Berkeley are just a few of the numerous news and educational institutions that have hosted Veronica for her forward thinking insights and expertise.

Veronica coaches courageous individuals and couples in mastering their erotic experience regardless of circumstance, history or health. As a Relationship Coach, Sexologist and Anger Specialist, she combines her extensive education with deep empathy derived from personal experience. Personally overcoming incest, rape, violence and abuse she has not just survived but thrives. Mastering her experience, she is committed to helping others to own their personal empowerment in the most loving and honorable lifestyle tailored for each sacred being she encounters.

Veronica invites you to join her in her sacred space: The Shame Free Zone. Here you will discover her book Sex Secrets of Escorts, as well as her game-changing Exquisite Partnership Formula (TM), a program designed to turn conflict into connection and sex that gets better with each passing year.

Veronica Monet coaches over the telephone, via Skype and in-person at her northern California office. Well versed in transgender, kinky, poly, LGBTQ.


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